TianTai is a leading China PMMA nameplate manufacturer. PMMA nameplate is an overlay made by acrylic, "Acrylic" (PMMA) is a polyacrylate material, akin to treated plexiglass. It offers transparency, stability, weather resistance, aesthetics and easy coloring/processing. With 92% light transmittance and half the weight of glass, it's shatter-resistant (12-18x glass), strong (10x+ glass), weatherproof, electrical insulation, and chemically stable. A thickness of 0.8mm acrylic front panel is flexible and can be bent by hand.
It can be printed on the front or backside to change its color and add graphics or instructional information. Acrylic (PMMA) is often used as an overlay with cutouts for rubber switches or without cutouts for capacitive sensing applications.
PMMA nameplate also called Acrylic overlays are the least commonly used material for graphic overlays, but they’re another type of plastic overlay that can be utilized. Acrylic overlays gain popularity because they are clear and lightweight. If your main priority of an overlay is to diffuse or transmit light, then an acrylic overlay (PMMA Nameplate) would be the best option for you. Acrylic overlays are strong and do not bend easily, which can help provide stiffness and make your display durable.
Common Industries Acrylic Overlays(PMMA Nameplate) are Used In:
An Arcylic Graphic Overlay is often the first thing a person sees when interacting with a product and is frequently utilised as the crucial layer of a user interface. These parts must be simple to use and constructed of high-quality materials to ensure their endurance.
Read MoreSend InquiryIntroduce our high-quality glass panels for residential and commercial space. Our glass plate is made of tempered glass, which has undergone controlled heat treatment to improve its strength and durability. Our glass panels are designed to provide maximum transparency while providing excellent protection against harsh environment.
Read MoreSend InquiryChina PMMA front sticker which made with PMMA, or polymethyl methacrylate, is a strong and flexible thermoplastic material that is perfect for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications and so on.
Read MoreSend InquiryTiantai Electronics is a leading China pmma overlay for home appliance manufacturer and supplier. PMMA noverlay for home appliance are film sheets that display custom text and designs that are usually placed on the exterior layer of a product. They add a level of professionalism, while also incorporating another layer of protection.
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